
BSA Property Tracker

A quarterly survey that assesses consumer sentiment regarding the UK property market.

The BSA Property Tracker  explores consumer sentiment regarding the UK property market via a quarterly consumer survey.

The Property Tracker, run by YouGov research for the BSA, asks a number of questions to 2,000 adults every quarter. The questions cover:

  • Whether it is a good time to buy property in the UK at the moment
  • What are considered to be the greatest barriers to buying property
  • Expected changes in house prices

Latest property tracker time series data and press release - June 2024


BSA Property Tracker trends - data file

BSA Property Tracker press release


Historical reports from June 2008 can be downloaded below:






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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