
Mortgage & housing statistics

A wide range of statistics relating to the UK mortgage and housing markets.

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
Building society mortgage lending Gross and net lending, approvals, balances outstanding Building societies Half Yearly 29 May 2024
Mortgage lending Gross lending, net lending, balances outstanding Total market, split by sector Monthly 15 July 2024
Mortgage repayments Split by type of repayment Total market, split by sector Monthly 15 July 2024
Mortgage approvals Loans approved but not yet made, split by purpose Total market and building societies Monthly 15 July 2024
Mortgage interest rates By product type Total market Monthly 15 July 2024

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
FLA second charge repossessions Properties taken into possession by 2nd charge providers Total market Quarterly 14 May 2020
MOJ Mortgage possession actions Mortgage possession actions in the county courts Total market Quarterly 09 September 2021

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
House Price - Earnings Ratio A measure of housing affordability Total market Monthly 16 December 2021
House Price Indices Nationwide, Halifax, FT, Land Registry indices Total market Monthly 03 November 2022

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
HMRC Property Transactions Number of property transactions per month Total market, split by sector Monthly 03 November 2022
Land Registry Sales Volumes (by region) Volume of property sales per month Total market Monthly 03 November 2022

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
House Building Starts and Completions Private and social housing starts and completions. Total market Quarterly 20 March 2024
Housing stock and tenure Dwellings by tenure Total market Annually 18 November 2020

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
Changes in Bank Rate Decisions on Bank Rate UK On change 23 March 2023
Economic Indicators Headline indicators UK Quarterly 14 September 2021

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
Archive of detailed results Historical survey results UK Quarterly 10 March 2024
This document is tagged with : Mortgages & Housing

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