
Savings statistics

Retail savings data including net receipts and deposits, ISAs and interest rates.

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
Building society deposits Net receipts & changes in balances Building societies Bi-annually 29 May 2024
Household savings Outstanding balances, change in balances, split by account type Total market split by institution type Monthly 15 July 2024
Household savings - historical Outstanding balances, change in balances Banks & building societies Discontinued 30 August 2021
Savings interest rates Split by product type Total market Monthly 15 July 2024

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
Cash ISA deposit balances Individuals Total market, split by sector Monthly 15 July 2024

Document Description Sector Frequency of Updates Last Updated
Changes in Bank Rate Decisions on Bank Rate UK On change 10 April 2024