Letter to the Law Commission on proposals to update the Land Registration Act 2002

The BSA responded to the Law Commission's proposals for updating the Land Registration Act 2002, opposing proposed changes to the ability of lenders to access the indemnity scheme.
A consultation by the Law Commission on proposals to update the Land Registration Act 2002 closed on 30 June. While the BSA is broadly supportive of measures to keep the legislation up to date and fit for purpose, we did have a number of specific concerns.

The consultation paper was over 500 pages so in our response the BSA focused on those areas most likely to affect lenders. In particular we argued strongly against proposals to alter the ability of lenders to access to the indemntity scheme.

We also pointed out the poor timing of the consultation given that the Government recently consulted on privatising the Land Registry and these proposals could be perceived as watering down elements of the land registration process. You can read the letter here.