Our response to the Accounting Standards' Board's revised exposure drafts on the future of UK GAAP

On the whole, we welcome the revised draft. Our concerns remain, however, on the applicability of the proposals for EIR, impairment and financial instruments for smaller financial mutuals such as building societies.

Overall, we believe the revised exposure drafts go some way to building an acceptable replacement for UK GAAP. The removal of the three-tier framework and with it, the use of public accountability to determine the application of EU-adopted IFRS, are especially welcome. But we feel that FREDs 46 to 48 need changing on estimated credit losses, expected interest rate and financial instruments to make the any accounting output meaningful and effective.

Our response to ASB's consultation on the future of financial reporting in the UK and Republic of Ireland

The future of financial reporting in the UK and Republic of Ireland

Update - 23 May 2012

At the invitation of the Accounting Standards Board, we submitted additional comments on the board's proposals for the future of UK GAAP. We focused on impairment, disclosures and EIR. Click below to read our further submission:

Additional comments on the ASB's consultation on the future of financial reporting in the UK and Republic of Ireland