• calender-icon Event
  • Prudential Regulation
  • Posted: 17 Jun 2024

An introduction to treasury management


  • Calender-Icon Time: 09:45 - 16:30
  • Location-Icon Location: London
  • Admin-Icon Organised By: BSA Events
  • Currency-Icon £490 Members / £695 Non-members

Due to popular demand, we now offer three tiers of treasury management training for BSA Members, Associates and Non-members. The courses will be repeated throughout the year and can be attended as separate courses or taken as a complete set. Places for each course are to be booked individually via the booking form on the relevant event page:

An introduction to treasury management (see below for details)
Treasury risk and balance sheet management
Advanced treasury risk and balance sheet management

The objective of this course is to introduce participants to treasury management. 

It provides an overview of treasury operations within financial services, more specifically within building societies and within the regulatory environment. Following this there is an in-depth study of treasury operations, focussing on liquidity, wholesale funding, credit risk and financial risk.

Who should attend?
This course assumes no Treasury or balance sheet management experience and is aimed at those who would like to understand where Treasury fits into the business, de-bunk the jargon and understand the external forces at work. For those wishing to further improve their knowledge and understanding, they can attend the Treasury Risk course, 3-6 months later, once they've had a chance to go back to their society and familiarise themselves with the societies Treasury and balance sheet operations.

The course will be of interest to non-executive directors, senior management, risk officers/managers new to the building society world, those in related areas who require some background treasury knowledge, as well as those who have recently started work in the treasury function.

(Registration closes at 5pm on Friday 25 October 2024)

Cancellation policy

"An excellent introduction to the subject"

"Perfectly in depth with just the right amount/volume of information."

"Great informative session.  As someone with very limited knowledge of treasury in a building society this has been very helpful."

"Excellent course, enough detail without being overwhelming.  Well presented and explained." 

(Delegate feedback from our previous courses)

Course trainer:
Dean Carter is an experienced bank and building society balance sheet and risk professional having worked in both London and Paris. He has helped four firms gain their banking licences and specialises in strategic balance sheet management. This includes developing and integrating teams across the business, including savings, regulatory reporting and treasury teams. He has recently returned to consultancy and specialises in Treasury and balance sheet training, having left Recognise Bank where he was Group Treasurer.  He also lectures for the BTRM faculty and has started writing a book on Treasury and Balance Sheet Management aimed at non-banking professionals.

Event Summary

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